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Corendon Cinema

Corendon Cinema

Sorry, er worden op deze dag geen films vertoond.


Corendon Cinema's 5 Rittenkaart: Jouw Ticket Naar Fantastische Filmavonden!

Ben je een echte filmliefhebber? Met onze gloednieuwe 5 rittenkaart heb je de vrijheid om vijf keer op pad te gaan voor een filmavond bij CorendonCinema, en dat voor een prijs die een glimlach op je gezicht tovert!

Wat krijg je met de 5 Rittenkaart?

  • Toegang tot vijf reguliere filmvoorstellingen naar keuze.
  • Flexibiliteit om je eigen filmagenda in te plannen.
  • Een mooie korting vergeleken met losse tickets.

Let op:

  • De kaart is niet geldig voor speciale voorstellingen zoals Ladiesnight, Proseccconight, marathons en dergelijke.
  • Voor extra lange films en 3D-films geldt een kleine toeslag.
Slechts €42,50!


incl.: kids combi pakket (popcorn en pakje drinken), feestelijke zaal & film diploma

€9,- Boek je tickets

Corendon Arthouse

iedere zondag om 15:30 uur een Turkse Filmhuis film. Entree €6,50

Boek nu

Kinderfeestje te vieren

Dat vier je natuurlijk samen met je vrienden en vriendinnen in onze Corendon Cinema

Meer informatie

Check snel onze Combi Deals

kies welke het beste bij jou past

Cinema Deal Standaard

  • Filmticket
  • Popcorn medium
  • Drankje (bier, fris of wijn)
*€ 17,00

Combi Deal Diner & Film

  • Filmticket + 2 uur All You Can Eat Diner
  • ( zo t/m do € 40,00 / vrij t/m za € 45,00) Kinderen tot 12 jaar krijgen 50% korting.
  • Diner tijdstip naar keuze.
  • Selecteer eerst de gewenste film.
*Boek nu

*Bij 3d films en films met een duur langer dan 150 minuten geldt een extra toeslag. Tarieven vindt je hier

Stap 1 - Kies je film
Stap 2 - Kies je datum
Stap 3 - Kies je deal

Corendon Cinema is dagelijks geopend, zie de filmtijden hierboven.

Tickets kunnen alleen online gekocht worden.

In onze cinema bieden we een ruime selectie aan dranken, snacks en pocporn. Het meebrengen en nuttigen van eigen etens- en drinkwaren is niet toegestaan.


Ticket Tarief
Regulier € 10,50
Kidsticket (tot 12 jaar. Ochtend- en middagfilms) € 8,-
Combideal ticket (ticket, drankje & popcorn) € 17,-
Kinderfeestje (4 t/m 15 jaar) € 16,50-
5 Rittenkaart

  • De 5 rittenkaart is geldig voor reguliere filmvoorstellingen.
  • Speciale voorstellingen zoals Ladiesnight, Prosecconight, marathons en dergelijke zijn uitgesloten.
  • Voor extra lange films en 3D films geldt een toeslag.
€ 42,50-
3D film € 1,50
3D bril huur € 1,-
Extra lange film (langer dan 150 minuten) € 1,50


These general conditions apply to all visits to the cinema at Corendon Hotels & Resorts Cinema, operated by Corendon Village Exploitatie B.V., with registered office at Schipholweg 275, 1171 PK  in Badhoevedorp, with CoC number 69005133 (hereinafter: ‘Corendon’).

Article 1. Tickets

1.1. Visitors must have a valid ticket for the relevant performance.

1.2. Visitors must report in time for the ticket inspection. Corendon is entitled to deny visitors’ access to the cinema hall if they arrive for the performance after the start time indicated on the ticket. The costs incurred cannot be recovered from Corendon.

1.3. Corendon employees must be able to check the ticket at any time.

1.4. Discount cards and vouchers must be presented when tickets are checked.

1.5. Discounts and special deals cannot be combined.

1.6. Tickets cannot be cancelled or exchanged.

1.7. The ticket counter will stop selling tickets 15 minutes before the start time of any performance.

Article 2. Rules of conduct for visitors 

2.1. Visitors must adhere to instructions from Corendon’s employees at all times and be aware of the available emergency exits.

2.2. In special circumstances, employees of the cinema can request to inspect (hand)bags brought in by visitors, with a view to safety or the observation of these general conditions.

2.3. Visitors must behave in accordance with these general conditions, public order, and the accepted principles of morality and decency. Conduct considered to contravene these general conditions includes disruptive behaviour towards other visitors, disruptive behaviour within the Corendon hotel, causing damage to Corendon’s property or inflicting material damage or injuries to Corendon’s employees.

Visitors are particularly prohibited from:

– bringing their own food and drink into the cinema hall;

– smoking in the cinema;

– offering goods for sale;

– bringing pets;

– bringing dangerous or objectionable objects or substances into the cinema;

– using recording equipment, including photo cameras, video cameras or other recording devices, phones or other means of wireless communication in the cinema to record the performance. Corendon’s employees are entitled to demand that any such equipment is surrendered and to delete the recordings;

– visiting the cinema while in a drunk, tipsy or other condition under the influence of narcotics;

– using a mobile phone in the cinema hall.

2.4. Corendon Hotels & Resorts Cinema reserves the right to refuse access to a visitor if the visitor concerned has acted in breach of these general conditions in Corendon’s reasonable opinion. In that case, the visitor is not entitled to a refund of costs incurred and Corendon reserves the right to recover its costs incurred in relation to such incident from the visitor.

2.5. In the event a visitor breached article 2.4, Corendon reserves the right to impose a ban for a specific period and to recover all loss (including loss incurred and loss of profit) from the visitor.

2.6. Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult.

Article 3. Kijkwijzer classification system 

3.1. All films come with a Kijkwijzer classification. An age limit is applicable to some films. The conditions and explanation can be found on

3.2. For performances with an age limit of 16, you must be able to provide proof of age. If you are unable to show proof of age, or if you are under 16 years old, you will be refused access to the cinema in that case. Corendon’s employees have the right to point this out to visitors and to refuse access. Access will not be allowed to those aged under 16 when accompanied by an adult either in that event.

3.3. For performances with an age limit of 12, you must be able to provide proof of age upon request..

Article 4. Liability

4.1. Visitors visit the cinema at their own risk.

4.2. Corendon is not liable for any loss incurred by visitors following the loss or theft of personal property.

4.3. Corendon is not liable for direct loss suffered by visitors, except in the event of intent or deliberate recklessness. Corendon is not liable for indirect loss. Corendon’s liability is limited to the ticket price at most. If Corendon is insured for damage, its liability is limited to the insured amount.

4.4. Corendon is not liable in the event of circumstances of force majeure.

4.5. Visitors are liable for all damage inflicted on the property and employees of Corendon.

Article 5. Privacy

5.1. Corendon is entitled to record images and sound in the cinema. Visitors agree to have their images used or published. Visitors will not object against having their portrait or picture used or published following the photography of events.

5.2. When you book a ticket through our website (, we will process your personal data within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our privacy statement can be found here:

Article 6. Applicable law and the competent court

6.1. The agreement between you and Corendon Hotels and Resorts is governed by the law of the Netherlands.

6.2. Disputes can solely be submitted to the competent court in Amsterdam.


Last updated: January 2019